Post by Rainbowrocks42 on Nov 15, 2015 17:37:58 GMT -5
Pixar Has Teamed Up With Ganz For A Special Promotion On Asian Accounts. They are floating again for Canadian players. MommaBearLas edit
Post by Nellie on Nov 15, 2015 17:53:32 GMT -5
I think it will only be for Canadian residence, though. They are flying for the Canadian Asian accounts, but nothing for US
Post by Lazygal on Nov 15, 2015 19:17:25 GMT -5
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Post by LambTyler on Nov 16, 2015 7:27:12 GMT -5
Anyone know if they're still floating today?
Post by fallenangels on Nov 16, 2015 12:38:39 GMT -5
Anyone know if they're still floating today? yes they are but only if you're in Canada and not deluxe....
Post by Newfie on Nov 16, 2015 12:58:54 GMT -5
They are floating today.
Post by Newfie on Nov 16, 2015 13:58:04 GMT -5
Is anyone else not seeing them in deluxe accounts? I'm not seeing them in all accounts, so I'm wondering. None so far in deluxe accounts. Also I sometimes get an account where they just don't float. I've never had ad block and I've never changed any setting with the ads.
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Post by Zingyginger on Nov 16, 2015 17:15:55 GMT -5
Is anyone else not seeing them in deluxe accounts? I'm not seeing them in all accounts, so I'm wondering. None so far in deluxe accounts. Also I sometimes get an account where they just don't float. I've never had ad block and I've never changed any setting with the ads. it looks like they turned off 3rd party ads for our deluxe accounts (i haven't fiddled with it since i have ad blockers) after you turn it back on AND click on their confirmation email that they send you, you'll be able to get floaties on your deluxe accounts again mci2.webkinz.com/parentarea/p_login.php
Post by Newfie on Nov 16, 2015 17:31:15 GMT -5
Is anyone else not seeing them in deluxe accounts? I'm not seeing them in all accounts, so I'm wondering. None so far in deluxe accounts. Also I sometimes get an account where they just don't float. I've never had ad block and I've never changed any setting with the ads. it looks like they turned off 3rd party ads for our deluxe accounts (i haven't fiddled with it since i have ad blockers) after you turn it back on AND click on their confirmation email that they send you, you'll be able to get floaties on your deluxe accounts again mci2.webkinz.com/parentarea/p_login.phpWell, that's a bunch of bull pucky! I haven't touched my 3rd party ads either and never had any problems. I wish they'd stop 'fixing' things that don't need to be fixed. If I opposed 3rd party ads that much, I would've changed it myself.
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Post by Wistcottage on Nov 16, 2015 20:54:33 GMT -5
Hi, I cannot seem to fins this- is it an ad or a tiny floating dinosaur? And is it in webkinz or webkinz newsz? Sorry, just feeling clueless here.....
Post by Newfie on Nov 16, 2015 21:19:45 GMT -5
Hi, I cannot seem to fins this- is it an ad or a tiny floating dinosaur? And is it in webkinz or webkinz newsz? Sorry, just feeling clueless here..... Hi Wist! The floater is a Canada only floater, for now, and its found in webkinz world.
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Post by Deleted on Nov 16, 2015 21:51:11 GMT -5
I really don't understand why WW does this stuff only for certain regions rather then for all???
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Post by Zingyginger on Nov 16, 2015 21:53:11 GMT -5
I really don't understand why WW does this stuff only for certain regions rather then for all??? Ganz got paid to promote it in Canada. Wish they would just make it for all.
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Post by 1212blue on Nov 17, 2015 11:31:48 GMT -5
I wish they could be for all. I thought the patches were supposed to be a little bigger?
Post by MommaBearLas on Nov 17, 2015 11:42:03 GMT -5
I wish they could be for all. I thought the patches were supposed to be a little bigger? They are paid by the promoters and have to allow it only in the countries they pick. Ganz has been good about adding them to other events!